Song Live Time on Digital Streaming Platforms

Song Live Time on Digital Streaming Platforms

We send your song within a day to the streaming sites and store, if your release is schedule the songs are sent along with the live date, so that the song gets live on the day of your release, however if you set the release date same as the upload date the song is made live in the fastest possible time.

    • WYNK: within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Instagram:within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Facebook:within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Spotify:24 hours to 48 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Apple and iTunes:within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Pandora and Deezer:within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • TIDAL:within 24 business hours after song is LIVE status
    • Gaana:3-4 business days after song is LIVE status
    • CallerTunes:4-5 business days after song is LIVE status
    • JioSaavn:3-4 business days after song is LIVE status
    • YouTube Content ID:within 4 business days after song is LIVE status


Note:Delays are rare, but they do happen, and are typically outside of YoungTunez’s direct control.

YoungTunez delivers your song fast to all platforms, but the platform can be slow sometimes, like days, to make your song live. Please understand YoungTunez isn’t responsible for this delay. YoungTunez is awesome, delivers fast and loves you.